What is LAUNCH?

As our country reinvents itself, new businesses are being born every day and support structures are key to the viability of these businesses. LAUNCH offers business training, support, and affordable resources to entrepreneurs who are underrepresented in entrepreneurship, empowering them to create sustainable, successful businesses allowing their families and communities to thrive.


Programs & Services

Find out about our programs and services. From High School Entrepreneurship to Business Entrepreneurship.

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Ready to take the next step? You can participate yourself.

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You can become a contributor to our cause, building a better Chattanooga.

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LAUNCH exists to build a thriving Chattanooga where every individual who dreams of a business can be confident that the community will stand with them, removing obstacles, and creating opportunities for their success. 

14 years

585 Businesses Supported

632 Jobs created

What Our Entrepreneurs Are Saying

Mahogany Hudgins

“My business was already operating when I started LAUNCH. The course was worth my time as I learned how to manage product cost, caring for each customer, and business management skills."

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Maria Noel

"LAUNCH gave me the confidence to value and ask for my worth"

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Aprill Ashley

"LAUNCH is invaluable for anyone who is wanting to start a business in the Chattanooga area."

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