Entrepreneur Spotlight: Susan Freeman

"LAUNCH is a valuable resource to me. They have given me so many opportunities to shine."

As we get deeper into this new year, each of us has the opportunity to reflect and learn from the events of 2020. One entrepreneur has done just that and her business has succeeded because of it. 

Susan M Freeman Enterprise is owned and operated by none other than Susan M Freeman herself. 2021 marks 10 years since this female founder started her own insurance business and nearly 7 years since she graduated from LAUNCH CHA. Susan has often said that the 10-week course is important to her business. She was able to dive deep into herself and find her breakeven point. With this foundation, her business has been operating well for many years. Then came the pivots of 2020.

Just like the rest of us, Susan was thrown by the effect COVID-19 has had on our community. Susan M Freeman Enterprise understands that insurance, whether for a business, family, or individual, is a personal need. She has always operated with care and attention for her clients. This often meant in-person meetings. In addition, her target market is seniors. When CDC guidelines were put in place, Susan’s involvement with her clients needed to be adapted. If you know Susan, you know she did not waste time finding solutions.

Susan got straight to work using the resources she already had. Phone calls became the new normal. She took extra time guiding her clients through web-based forms and educating them on all their insurance options. Many of her senior clients needed assistance navigating all of the new online elements, and Susan was more than happy to help. Her dedication and high level of communication were not lost on her clients. Through word of mouth, she even gained clients from the experience. 

As she checked in with her clients, she found anxieties about all of the unknowns of the virus. They were concerned about how to operate their daily lives. Susan jumped in bringing groceries and alleviating these fears wherever possible. Amidst it all, a shock wave ran through Susan’s personal and professional life. 

Her childhood friend and accountant for her business suddenly died. This was more than a friend. This was the woman who taught Susan about Christ, led her in prayer, cheered her on in every victory of her business, and was always trustworthy with financials or friendship. Entrepreneurship is a personal experience. The line between business and personal is often blurred, but Susan uses this experience to remind others how important health and wellness are especially now. 

Susan’s success is well deserved and has been noticed by our community. At last year’s Chattanooga Startup Awards, Susan M Freeman Enterprise won the” Micro Business of the Year” award. She also received the “Most Help” award from SKIRT, a ministry located in Chattanooga. 

Susan has been an integral member of the LAUNCH family for many years as an entrepreneur and facilitator.  Her work with our high schoolers in LAUNCHing Bright ideas has been invaluable to us and the students who endearingly named her, Mama Susan. She will be the facilitator for our upcoming LAUNCH CHA spring cohort. We could not be more grateful for Susan Freeman.

If you are interested in utilizing Susan’s insurance expertise, she offers health care, supplemental plans, dental and life products, and medicare care plans for those who apply. There is a Special Enrollment Period due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the individual healthcare plans, February 15 - May 15, 2021. The regular annual Open Enrollment date for the individual healthcare plans is every November 1 - December 15. The Annual Enrollment Period for a Medicare Beneficiary is October 15 - December 7. You may also have other Special Enrollments that may occur.  Contact Susan for more information.