Start It Up Episode 20: eDivv Creates Marketplace to Trade Cosmetics

April 25, 2015  |  |  Monty Bruell / Susanne Burnham  |  News

One of the companies selected this year by Launch Tennessee to participate in The TENN was eDivv. Casey Casterline, eDivv's Founder, noticed that she was not using all the cosmetics she received in her monthly Birch Boxes. She suspected that she was not alone, so she created eDivv, an online marketplace that allows people to trade and/or purchase cosmetics. Casey's hunch has been proven correct, and customers cannot get enough of eDivv.

Also on this episode, Jennifer Holder talks about The Chattery, an exciting learning experience that allows people to learn and teach a variety of skills. The Chattery hopes to not only create a learning platform, but a new type of social network as well.

Listen to the full episode at